Brian Sterz’s Controversial Case: B Riley Wealth Management and Haselkorn & Thibaut’s Investigation

Sue Financial Advisor, Investment Fraud Lawyers

Well, folks, we’ve got a serious matter to discuss today. You know, it’s not every day that we encounter a scenario that truly rattles the cages and makes us question the integrity of the financial world. But when we do, boy, it’s a doozy. And today, we’re diving headfirst into a potentially egregious allegation causing quite a stir.

What’s the story, you ask? It’s a pending customer dispute involving Brian Sterz, previously an investment advisor with B Riley Wealth Management. The allegation? Unsuitable and highly concentrated positions in FNMA, FNMAT, and FMCC. The claimants allege that these positions were entirely unfit for their portfolio. The damage? A whopping $500,000.

Why should you care? Well, it’s simple. This case is a stark reminder of the potential pitfalls and dangers in the investment world. It underscores the importance of due diligence and the necessity to keep a hawk’s eye on your investments. And most importantly, it highlights the vital role of investment fraud law firms in protecting investor rights and ensuring justice.

Who’s got the expertise to tackle this? Enter Haselkorn & Thibaut, a national investment fraud law firm with offices in Florida, New York, North Carolina, Arizona, and Texas. With over 50 years of experience, these legal eagles have a staggering 98% success rate. They’ve helped countless investors recover their losses, turning despair into relief, one case at a time.

How can they help? With their in-depth knowledge of FINRA Arbitration, Haselkorn & Thibaut can assist investors in recovering their losses. They’re currently investigating the advisor and company involved in this dispute. And here’s the kicker: they’re offering free consultations to clients. That’s right, folks; you can ring them up at 1-800-856-3352, tell them about your situation, and they won’t charge you a dime unless they recover your losses. It’s their “No Recovery, No Fee” policy, and it’s as good as gold.

Red Flags in the Case

Let’s take a closer look at this case, shall we? The claimants allege that Brian Sterz recommended highly concentrated positions in FNMA, FNMAT, and FMCC. These positions, they claim, were unsuitable for their portfolio.

The term ‘unsuitable’ in investment parlance is a big red flag. It suggests that the advisor may have failed to consider the client’s financial situation, risk tolerance, or investment objectives. And that, my friends, is a big no-no in investment advisory.

Haselkorn & Thibaut to the Rescue

But fear not, for Haselkorn & Thibaut are on the case. Their extensive experience and proven track record make them the knights in shining armor in the murky world of investment disputes. They’re offering free consultations to clients and operate on a “No Recovery, No Fee” policy. That means they’re as invested in your case as you are.


In conclusion, the seriousness of this allegation cannot be overstated. It serves as a wake-up call for all investors to remain vigilant and proactive in managing their investments. And remember, if you ever find yourself in a bind, Haselkorn & Thibaut are just a phone call away.

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