Examining Leo Gotleib’s Case with Kestra Advisory Services and LPL Financial

When it comes to the world of finance, allegations of misconduct are not to be taken lightly. In this case, we’re examining a serious allegation of investment advice rendered without proper registration. This involves one Leo Gotleib, who at the time was associated with KESTRA ADVISORY SERVICES, LLC and is currently with LPL FINANCIAL LLC. This matter is serious enough to warrant an investigation by the Florida Office of Financial Regulation, and it’s essential that investors are aware of what’s going on.

Why Should You Care?

Well, for starters, this isn’t just about one person or one company. This is about the integrity of the financial industry as a whole. By understanding the details of this case, you can better protect your investments and recognize red flags for investment fraud. Plus, there’s the unique angle of a national investment fraud law firm, Haselkorn & Thibaut, stepping in to offer assistance to affected clients. With their expertise and commitment to helping investors recover their losses, this is a story worth following.

Who’s Got the Answers?

That would be yours truly. With years of experience in the financial industry and a keen eye for detail, I’m here to break down the complexities of this case and make it understandable for everyone. Plus, I’ve got access to the latest updates and insights from the experts at Haselkorn & Thibaut.

What’s in it for You?

By reading this article, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the seriousness of the allegations against Leo Gotleib and the implications for the financial industry. You’ll also learn about the red flags for investment fraud and how to protect your investments. Plus, you’ll find out how Haselkorn & Thibaut can help you recover losses if you’ve been affected by investment fraud.

Investment Fraud Red Flags

  • Unregistered Advisors: As in the case of Leo Gotleib, one major red flag is an advisor operating without proper registration. Always ensure that your advisor is registered with the relevant regulatory bodies.
  • Guaranteed Returns: If an investment seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of advisors promising guaranteed returns.
  • High-Pressure Sales Tactics: Legitimate advisors won’t pressure you into making immediate investment decisions. If you feel rushed or pressured, it’s a red flag.
  • Unusual Transactions: Frequent, unnecessary, or unexplained transactions could be a sign of churning, a fraudulent practice where advisors make trades to generate commissions.

The allegation against Leo Gotleib is simple: He provided investment advice in Florida without being registered by the Office of Financial Regulation. This is a serious violation that resulted in a cease and desist order and a hefty fine of $22,000. The Office has since approved Gotleib’s application as an associated person with LPL Financial LLC.

But what if you’ve been affected by such a situation? That’s where FINRA Arbitration comes in. This process can help investors recover losses due to misconduct or fraud. And with the help of Haselkorn & Thibaut, a national investment fraud law firm with a 98% success rate, you stand a good chance of getting your money back. With offices in Florida, New York, North Carolina, Arizona, and Texas, and over 50 years of experience, they’re well-equipped to handle such cases. Plus, they’re offering a free consultation at 1-800-856-3352 and operate on a “No Recovery, No Fee” policy.

So, there you have it. A serious allegation, a potential solution, and a wealth of information to help you navigate the sometimes murky waters of the financial industry. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and remember – there’s help available if you need it.

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